Lubricant and Industry Associations

Professional Organizations

ACEA European Automobile Manufacturers Association
Founded in 1991, ACEA (Association des Constructeurs Europeens d’Automobiles) represents the interests of the fifteen European car, truck and bus manufacturers at EU level. ACEA European Oil Sequences 2010 details the current standards for service-fill oils for gasoline engines, for light-duty diesel engines, for gasoline and diesel engines with after treatment devices and for heavy-duty diesel engines.

American Petroleum Institute (API)
API provides a forum for all segments of the oil and natural gas industry to pursue public policy objectives and advance the interests of the industry. Click here for information about the API quality marks for engine oil. The API Engine Oil Publications page offers several free downloadable PDFs of various guidelines, including an explanation of engine oil base stocks in the Appendix E–API Base Oil Interchangeability Guidelines for Passenger Car Motor Oils and Diesel Engine Oils (May 2009).

Automotive Oil Change Association (AOCA)
A non-profit trade organization representing the convenient automotive service industry. The association was founded in 1987 and is headquartered in Dallas, Texas. AOCA is dedicated to enhancing the competency of fast lube owners, educating the public about the benefits of preventive automotive maintenance, and maintaining a favorable business environment for the industry.

ASTM International
Founded in 1898, a not-for-profit organization that provides a global forum for the development and publication of voluntary consensus standards for materials, products, systems, and services. Formerly known as the American Society for Testing and Materials, ASTM International provides standards that are accepted and used in research and development, product testing, quality systems, and commercial transactions around the globe.

ATIEL is a trade association which represents European engine oil manufacturers. It has helped to establish industry best practices and promotes consensus on key technical issues, ensuring that engine oils continue to contribute to improved wear protection, deposit control, lower emissions and fuel economy.

Chinese Automobile Manufacturers Association International (CAMAI)
Established to provide services and support for the automobile industry in China and around the world.

Coordinating European Council (CEC)
A European industry-based organization which develops test methods for the performance testing of automotive engine oil, fuels and transmission fluids (using gasoline and diesel engines). In addition, it covers marine and large engine oils, two-stroke engine oils and associated bench tests.

Coordinating Research Council (CRC)
Members of CRC are the American Petroleum Institute (API), the Society of Automotive Engineers (SAE) and a group of automobile manufacturers (Chrysler, Ford, General Motors, Honda, Mitsubishi, Nissan, Toyota, and Volkswagen). CRC members work together with government on mobility and environmental research.

Engine Manufacturers Association (EMA)
Since 1968, this trade association has represented U.S. engine manufacturing industry on domestic and international public policy, regulatory, and technical issues that impact manufacturers of engines used in a broad array of mobile and stationary applications.

Global Automakers (formerly Auto Alliance, and also AIAM)
Global Automakers is a trade association representing the interests of international companies that design, manufacture, and sell motor vehicles in the United States.

Independent Lubrication Manufacturers Association (ILMA)
Established in 1948, ILMA represents independent lubricant companies that produce over 25% of all lubricants and 80% or more of the metalworking fluids and other specialty industrial lubricants sold in North America.

International Lubricant Standardization and Approval Committee (ILSAC)
In 1993, the American Automobile Manufacturers Association (AAMA) met with the Japanese Automobile Manufacturers Association (JAMA) to discuss ways to develop a more universal standard for rapidly changing gasoline-fueled automobile and light-duty truck engines. The result was the formation of the International Lubricant Standardization and Approval Committee (ILSAC). ILSAC developed an oil rating that consolidates the SAE viscosity rating and the API quality rating. The API Certification Mark “Starburst” displayed on the front of the oil container is an indication that the oil is suitable for use in almost any gasoline-fueled (GF) engine. The original GF-1 rating was established in 1996. It was updated to GF-2 in 1997, GF-3 in 2000 and GF-4 in 2004. A new GF-5 was approved in December 2009.

Japan Automobile Manufacturers Association (JAMA)
A Tokyo-based trade association representing 14 Japanese car, truck, bus and motorcycle manufacturers. JAMA maintains offices in the United States, Europe and Asia.

The Society of Automotive Engineers of Japan (JSAE)

Korea Automobile Manufacturers Association (KAMA)
A non-profit organization, representing the interests of automakers in Korea.

Society of Automotive Engineers (SAE)
A non-profit organization committed to providing a resource for technical information and expertise used in designing, building, maintaining, and operating self-propelled vehicles for use on land or sea, in air or space.

Society of Tribologists and Lubrication Engineers (STLE)
STLE is an individual membership society whose mission is to advance the science of tribology and the practice of lubrication engineering.

United Kingdom Lubricants Association Ltd. (UKLA)
A trade association representing the interests of UK lubricant producers and allied sectors.

Union Indépendante de l’Industrie Européenne des Lubrifiants (UEIL)
Independent Union of the European Lubricants Industry is a trade association representing the interests of independent producers of lubricants in Europe.

Savant Group Companies

Tannas Co. – Manufacturer of precision bench-top instruments for routine and research laboratory testing of engine oils, lubricants and related fluids. Tannas also offers a variety of reference oils, calibration fluids and catalysts for use with lubricant testing.

King Refrigeration, Inc. – Specializing in low-temperature laboratory instruments for routine and research testing of engine oils, lubricants and related fluids.

Savant Inc. – An independent laboratory and research center specializing in ASTM methods and custom tests on engine oils, transmission fluids and other automotive lubricants.

The Institute of Materials – Publishes the world’s largest independent compilation of engine oil bench test data. Unbiased data is generated from testing thousands of engine oils which are collected throughout North & South America, Europe, and Asia-Pacific.

Excell Manufacturing Inc – is a manufacturing company specializing in precision machined parts used in high-end instruments and equipment.

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