Midland, Michigan: Tannas Co., a global manufacturer of bench testing equipment for the lubrication industry, announced that recent balloting within ASTM incorporates the Tannas TEOST Turbo® instrument into the new ASTM D8447 Turbo Charger Deposits by Thermo-Oxidation Engine Oil Simulation Test Method.

Developed and made exclusively by Tannas Co., the TEOST Turbo® instrument is designed to predict the elevated temperature deposit forming tendencies of an engine oil subject to the operating environment more indicative of modern turbochargers.

As engine designs have evolved over the years, particularly turbochargers, the need for an additional modification to the TEOST® platform became evident. ASTM D6335, the original turbocharger bench test, also known as TEOST® 33C, was developed in the early 1990s to screen engine oils by their tendency to form coking deposits within the elevated temperature zones of the turbocharger. While the 33C protocol remains relevant for this purpose, turbocharger deposits that are more oxidative in nature and occur at lower temperatures can also be a problem, driving the need for a lower temperature test that also retains volatile components. The TEOST Turbo® test method and instrument were developed to meet this need.

“With many auto manufacturers choosing to add turbochargers to their vehicles to improve fuel efficiency, we knew there was a need to expand the TEOST® platform to better simulate conditions experienced in these modern turbocharger designs,” says John Bucci, Vice President of Technical Development at The Savant Group. “We are very pleased with the recent news that the TEOST Turbo® was approved and published by ASTM International. Utilizing the Tannas TEOST® instrument for this test will benefit OEMs and oil & additive manufacturers due to its precise, correlative data and the relatively fast testing speed.”

The bench-top design makes the TEOST Turbo® an affordable option for simulating engine operating environments and certain field performance conditions. In addition to the adoption of the TEOST Turbo® into test method D8447, this platform also provides a flexible and powerful research tool with options to apply custom conditions such as adjustable temperature zones, pump speeds, catalytic materials, and other modification options to simulate desired engine operating conditions.

For further details on the family of TEOST® tests (33C, MHT®, Turbo®) and the Tannas Co. instrument line, contact us at 989-496-2309, email Rob Gordon at rgordon@savantgroup.com, or visit our website at www.tannasking.com to find an international distributor near you.

About Tannas Co.: Tannas Co. (ISO 9001) is a global leader in developing, manufacturing, and sales & service of precision laboratory instruments for routine testing and advanced research & development of engine oils, lubricants, and related fluids. We dedicate ourselves to serving our customers, large and small — listening carefully to their concerns and needs — responding with intelligent action — transforming their concerns into satisfaction and their needs into mutual opportunities.

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